Name before adoption : Luke
Name after adoption : Neo
Adoption date : Aug. 2019
Schnauzer mix. Male 8m.

From New Family :

The second photo is with my friend’s Westie. Tessa is 10 years old and we’ve had a lot of play dates with her. When we first brought him home, he was scared of everything – even his own shadow. Any small noise would startle him and other dogs that approached him on walks made him afraid, too.So we decided that he should spend some time with as many possible dogs/people as possible, but for some reason, he seems to like Tessa the most. Neo is doing good; we just started clicker traing for obedience and he’s learning a lot of new tricks and commands.Here are a few photos for you. I hope and everyone at KOCA are well. She taught him how to be a dog and to play with balls; bark at other dogs; and play tug of war. Luke has become confident and seems to know that he is safe and loved by us, and I think he feels a sense of stability from having a routine. In sum: he’s a very happy boy! Please don’t hesitate to ask us anything about Luke.

Happy new year to you and eveyone at KOCA! Neo(Luke) is doing well, he’s happy and thriving here in Burlington. He just has one minor health issue. A few weeks ago, we were at the park and he started to cry and limp. This happened a few more times so we took a trip to the vet. The X-rays showed his bones and joints were perfect, so it’s not a physical issue. We found out that Neo has a nurological disorder in which his brain sometimes doesn’t make a connection to his body movements, so when he runs or jumps, his brain dosn’t receive that message to move in a certain way. We’ve been do doing a lot of physiotherapy exercises and long walks while keeping his playtime short. Here’s a few photos of him and Nuri(another one of a KOCA dogs).(Jan. 2021)

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